Saturday, 28 February 2009

"Clairol Nice N Easy Gray Solution Hair Color, Medium Ash Blonde #8A - Kit"

"Clairol Nice N Easy Gray Solution Hair Color, Medium Ash Blonde."


The duck is getting a bad rap these days. Congress is in a lame duck session, the president is a lame duck leader and the government is just one quack away from being in a foul mood itself.

So how did the duck become part of our political landscape? And what's so lame about ducks anyhow?

If you ask me ducks are pretty cool cats (oops). They travel in pairs (hence the reason they don't need therapy), they mate for life (no divorce court either) and are clean and quite pleasant. And have you seen how their hair stands up straight without hair gel? I'll bet your average teenager couldn't get a Mohawk this symmetrical without a Hollywood barber.

And the colors - have you seen how lovely their hair color is without a hint of gray. No Clairol needed here. You know why? Ducks don't fight with their spouses or relatives and are always taking vacations together. As a matter of fact, when they fly together they travel in formation to cut down on the wind pressure coming from the front. They even take turns traveling in first class (where it is the windiest).

There's also no such thing as boys nights out (no strip clubs for sure), they stick together like a family should. And if a duck loses a spouse it continues to mourn throughout its lifetime. Not like the human male who can be seen out with a blonde bimbo just as the last rugalah is finished off the Shiva platter.

Ducks, despite their bad reputation, have emotions just like we do. They also have proper upbringings (two parent families) and don't need anger management classes or twelve-step programs. You know why? They don't get divorced and don't stay at work all hours of the day and night.

And the best part is that ducks are as versatile as futons. When tired or sleepy they just fold down their necks and become a fluffy pillow (Bed Bath and Beyond eat your heart out). Hence the reason they don't need large condos or split level homes. And you don't see them complaining about it either. To a duck the perfect day is spent lounging around the lake with friends and family (of course they winter in Florida).

As far as parenting skills, ducks are pretty advanced (Dr. Joyce Brothers would approve for sure). They don't run to the mall and leave the kids with a sitter. That could be one reason that baby ducklings rarely have ADD or other emotional problems. Mother ducks also don't run (or fly off) to Saks or Bergdorf Goodman for a day of shopping and leave the ducklings to watch mindless video games.

That's what's so great about ducks. They are far from being lame and are so self-sufficient you rarely see them lined up at soup kitchens or waiting for government assistance. And you never hear them complaining about the negative connotation of their namesake (hmm...the ugly duckling).

And you know what else - ducks are pretty good sports. After all, their reputation has been squandered by lame presidents and congressional leaders and you don't hear a peep from them. You also don't see them filing any class action lawsuits for defamation of character (like a lot of quacks do these days).

And if you ask me, that's just ducky.

Diane can be reached at


Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Clairol Herbal Essence All that Shine ~ Clear Shine Boost ~ 00 Shade

"Wasn't me!"

My fourteen-year-old son has spoken those words more often than I care to remember. It's always someone else's fault - most often, his sister's. To my son, blaming comes almost as naturally as the gray roots he's causing to sprout from my head. Hey, at least he's doing his part to keep Clairol in business!

Okay, so my son isn't the only one ever to speak those words, "Wasn't me!" After all, Adam started the whole blaming thing that day in the garden: "It was the woman You gave me. She brought me the fruit and I ate it." But Eve wasn't about to take the fall: "It was the serpent. He tricked me." (Genesis 3)

Can't you just picture God rolling His eyes at that one?

With sin, came blame. And because none of us is yet perfected (contrary to my teenaged son's not-so-humble perception of himself) blaming and making excuses is still very much alive and well today. So how can I get my son to stop playing the blame game where everyone loses?

I suppose I can start by setting an example. I might not say the words, "Wasn't me!" but when it takes longer to check out at the grocery store than it does to do my shopping, I excuse my impatience: It's the cashier's fault! If my kids leave their toys in the middle of the floor, I excuse my outburst of anger: If the toys weren't there, I wouldn't have yelled! It's traffic's fault that I was late. Or my mom's fault that I don't handle money properly. If she would have taught me better...

Yada, yada, yada.

God wants us to be accountable for the way we act. The truth is, we are all responsible for how we respond to our circumstances. The moment we're old enough to realize how something should be handled, we're able to make a good choice. I can choose to exercise patience while I wait in that grocery store line. I can decide not to yell at my kids when they leave their stuff lying around. I'm not saying it's easy, only that it's possible! If I do choose to yell or become frustrated, guess whose fault it is? (Quit pointing!)

But isn't it great that when we are quick to say, "I did something stupid," or, "I was wrong," God is even quicker to forgive. Making excuses and blaming others for our actions only causes dissension and separation - between us and others and, even more, between us and God. Yet, each time we confess, we become a little more sensitive to just how much we need Jesus and His forgiveness, which is what it's really all about.

In the same way, I am much more likely to show mercy to my son when he takes responsibility for his actions and stops blaming his sister. Convincing him of that, however, may take some time.

Just like convincing me that my son isn't the cause of my gray hair isn't going to happen any time soon.

I just don't buy it.

"He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy." Proverbs 28:13 (NIV)

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Monday, 16 February 2009

Clairol Herbal Essences Citrus Lift Bodifying Shampoo for Normal Hair

Clairol Herbal Essences Citrus Lift Bodifying Shampoo for Normal Hair

Everyone knows that the environment needs help but what about our homes? The EPA has stated that indoor air pollutants are 3 to 70 times higher than outdoors.

Here are some facts that really scared me and I thought I should share them with you.

  • 1. Asthma Higher in Women:
  • 2.Dish Soap:
  • 3.Of 2,983 Chemicals Found In Personal Care Products:
  • 4. 70,000 New Chemical Compounds:
  • 5. Chemicals In Homes :
  • 6. Women Who Work From Home:
  • 7.Whats In Our Dust?:

    • Alkyl phenols (mimic natural estrogen hormones) ,
    • Pesticides (cause cancer) ,
    • Brominated Flam Retardants(mimic thyroid hormones),
    • Organotins(poisonous in small amounts and can disrupt hormones and reproductive systems) ,
    • Perfluorinated surfactants ( can damage organ function and sexual development in lab animals).

Try and say those 3 times fast!!

These chemicals are coming from everyday consumer products that we have in our homes. Example- Teflon cookware, Plastics.

  • 8. Cosmetics and Personal Products:
  • 9. Our Mattress:If you are using polycotton sheets or wrinkle-resistant sheets , you are also exposing your self to chemicals. Formaldehyde is the big one. It causes cancer, respiratory problems, insomnia, asthma and the lists go on!
  • 10. "The Dirty Dozen":
    • Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder with Talc
    • Crest Tarter Control Toothpaste
    • VO5 hair conditioner
    • Cover Girl Replenishing Natural Finish Foundation
    • Whole Milk
    • Beef Frankfurters (Oscar Meyer)
    • Clairol Nice-n-Easy hair color
    • Ajax Cleanser
    • Lysol Disinfectant
    • Zud Heavy Duty Cleaner
    • Zodiac Cat and Dog Flea Collar
    • Ortho Weed-be-Gone Lawn Weed Killer

It has been stated that by just reducing (not eliminating) environmental carcinogens alone, we would save 50,000 lives annually from cancer. We don't have to live this way. There are safer alternatives that are being phased into the market place. All we have to do is know the facts and buy responsibly.

So, what can you do?

Be creative in how you clean. Make homemade cleaners and air fresheners. There are many different organic concoctions that you can make to clean your house effectively, such as vinegar or lemon juice.

In the end you will be happier when you and your family are not as sick as much. And who knows , you might save one of your family members from a deadly disease!!!

Buy Green. Its that simple. Read labels, and if you cant pronounce the names on the label don't buy it. Anything that ends in "-cide" is more than likely not going to be good for you or your family.This is a list of the top 12 cancer-causing products in the average home. It was put together by the National Cancer Prevention Coalition.There are even chemicals on our mattress!!! You are probably asking yourself, "For what?" Well, to make the mattress "safer" they use PBDE's to flame retard your bed. Also to make it stain-resistant they use PFC's. These chemicals are known to cause cancer and also are known carcinogens!! There are around 4000 chemicals used in our everyday cosmetics and personal care products. About 95% of these chemicals are traced back to petroleum. Manufactures do not reveal the actual components of the products but rather mark them as "trade secret". Phthalates (shown to disrupt reproductive systems and cause breathing problems in children.) , There is a 54% higher chance that a women who works from home will die from cancer than a women who works outside the home. There are 150 chemicals in our homes that are connected to allergies, birth defects, cancer and psychological disorders. Since 1950 there has been at least 70,00 new chemical compounds introduced into the environment. Only a small percentage has been tested for human toxicity!!!!

884 are toxic

146 cause tumors

218 cause reproductive complications

778 cause acute toxicity

314 cause biological mutations

376 cause skin and eye irritations

Liquid dish soap is the leading cause of poisonings for kids under the age of 6. Most brands contain formaldehyde and ammonia!!! In one decade, there has been a 42% increase in asthma. 29% for men and 82% for women The higher rate for women is thought to be for our longer exposure to household chemicals.

For more information on safer products for your home go to
